目前分類:Vemma 產品介紹 (11)

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Vemma 營養液的成分


Esther Wu 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Questions about VEMMA關於維瑪營養液) 





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Questions about Vemma


Why mangosteen?

Who could refuse the "Queen of Fruits?" In addition to being one of the best tasting fruits in the world, mangosteen has superior nutritional and antioxidant properties capable of producing a wide range of benefits. These benefits enhance many of the body's health-promoting capabilities.* It's believed to have been used traditionally by natural health providers for thousands of years and modern science has recently begun to understand its incredible nutrient-rich value.

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  關於VEMMA (裡面有許多文章)  http://goo.gl/B4MAu

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